CMPT 365: Multimedia Systems

CMPT 365-3 D100: Multimedia Systems

Spring 2009

Instructor: Dr. Herbert H. Tsang, P.Eng., Ph.D.

TA: Yan Ding

Lecture: MWF, 09:30-10:20, WMC 3210

Lab: PC Lab (ASB9838) Tue 14:00-16:00

1. Course Objectives/Description

Multimedia has become an indispensable part of modern computer technology. In this course, students will be introduced to principles and current technologies of multimedia system design and gain hands-on experience in this area. Topics include multimedia systems design, multimedia hardware and software, issues in effectively representing, processing, and transmitting multimedia data such as text, graphics, sound and music, image and video.


  • Introduction
  • Multimedia Hardware and Software
  • Issues in Multimedia Applications Design
  • Multimedia Data Representation
  • Video and Audio Compression
  • Multimedia Network Communications
  • Other Topics

The above material will be covered through lectures, reading, discussions, homework assignments, and a course project.

2. Grading

The main grading items will be a portfolio of usability analyses, a project in groups of 3-4 during the second half of the semester, a single midterm, and a final exam. The exact proportions of these items, plus some smaller ones, to the course grade will be announced in the first week of class. Assignments are due at the start of class. Late assignments will not be accepted without valid documentation (e.g., medical certificate). Students must attain a C or better on the weighted average of exams in order to obtain a C or better grade for the course as a whole.

  • Course Project…………30%
  • Assignments ……………15%
  • Participation…………… 5%
  • Midterm ……………….20%
  • Final …………………..30%

Late Penalties: Assignments are due at the beginning of the specified class time. For each day late, 10% of the total possible points will be deducted. No work will be accepted after two days late.

3. Class Schedule, Readings, and Assignments

Week Dates Topics Text selection
1 Jan 5 / 7 / 9 Introduction Ch. 1
2 Jan 12 / 14 / 16 Introduction + Issues in Multimedia Applications Design Ch. 1 + other materials
3 Jan 19 / 21 /23 Media representation: Audio / Image Ch. 3 + Ch. 6
4 Jan 26 / 28 / 30 Media representation: Video Ch. 4 + Ch. 5
5 Feb 2 / 4/ 6 Lossless compression Ch. 7
6 Feb 9 / 11 /13 Lossless compression Ch. 7
7 Feb 16 / 18 / 20 Lossy compression/Midterm Ch. 8
8 Feb 23 /25 /27 Lossy compression Ch. 8
9 Mar 2 / 4/ 6 Media compression: Audio Ch. 13
10 Mar 9 / 11 /13 Media compression: Image Ch. 9
11 Mar 16 / 18 / 20 Media compression: Video Ch. 10
12 Mar 23 / 25 / 27 Video Coding Standard Ch. 11 + 12
13 Mar 30 / Apr 1 / 3 Multimedia Data Communications TBD

Assignmetns (~ Week 4 + Week 8)
Project Proposal (~Week 6)
Midterm (~ Week 9)
Project (~Week 13)
Final (~Week 14-15)

4. References

  • Fundamentals of Multimedia, Z.-N. Li and M.S. Drew, Prentice-Hall, 2004 [REQUIRED]
  • Introduction to Data Compression, Khalid Sayood, 2nd Edition, Morgan Kaufman, 2000
  • Visual C++ 6 Bible, Richard C. Leinecker and Tom Archer, IDG Books, 1998
  • Image and Video Compression Standards, V. Bhaskaran and K. Konstantinides, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997
  • Multimedia: computing, communications & applications, R. Steinmetz and K. Nahrstedt, Prentice Hall PTR, 1995
  • Visual C++ Multimedia Adventure Set, P. Aitken and S. Jarol, Coriolis Group Books, 1995

5. Useful links

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  • Completion of 60 credits including CMPT 201.

Copyright (C) 2009, Herbert H. Tsang

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